Parent confessional
Tired of parenting hacks? Expert advice? Social media parenting?
Submit your real and raw parenting experiences below, and let’s finally be honest about how messy this thing is.
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share your experience (anonymously)
We’re looking for real, raw, and honest parenting experiences. Tell us yours.
Peruse our prompts below.
Record your answers in a voice recording on your phone. If chosen, your name and identifying information will not be included in the audio on the podcast.
Submit your recording to
Listen to Parent Confessional to hear your story and others like it.
Podcast Prompts
What do you hate most about being a parent?
What are some things you hate about being a parent?
What do you miss about your life before having children?
What do you miss about yourself?
What do you miss about your partner?
What are you resentful about?
What is hard about being a working parent?
What is hard about being a household with two full time working parents?
Describe some of those difficult moments of being a parent.
Knowing what you know now about having children what would you tell your self pre-children?
Why did you have kids?
If you have more than one child, why did you have a second child? A3?
Why is parenting so hard?
What value do you offer as a parent?
What value do you feel as a parent?
Who does the bulk of the mental in your household? Why?
How do you feel at the end of the day
What is your least favorite part of the day? Why?
What do you wish for in your life as a parent?
What do you feel guilty about?